An exhibition to create awareness about plasma donation: "The power of plasma. Pass it on!"
NWO Impact Explorer Grant
ERC Proof-of-Concept grant for Eva-Maria Merz and Alexandra Ciausescu
A goodbye and a new challenge
Blood Donor Incentives across 63 Countries: The BEST Collaborative Study
Research wrapped 2023!
The Powerbank Experience
A night of new insights and cohesion at the West Best Talkshow
A bloody nice evening
Rijksmuseum Boerhaave pop-up exhibition: The power of plasma!
Work and play: Our writing retreat in Limburg
Blood, it runs in the family: How Families Can Shape the Future of Blood Donation
European Conference on Donor Health and Management: our experiences
“I Don’t Like It, But I Learned A Lot” How can serious games prepare the next generation of donors?
The social contagion of prosocial behaviour: How neighbourhood blood donations influence individual
Inaugural lecture Eva-Maria Merz
How can we convince more people to answer donation solicitations?
Is blood donation contagious?
How public trust and healthcare quality shape blood donation behavior?
Why incentives work sometimes and sometimes not...