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How do childbirth, starting a new job or the death of a family member influence blood donation?

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

In their article "Blood Donation across the Life Course: The Influence of Life Events on Donor Lapse", Tjeerd, Rene, Wim and Eva examine how different life events (eg. childbirth, starting a job etc.) influence one's donation behaviour.


  • childbirth increases the likelihood of donor lapse (83% higher odds of lapsing)

  • starting a job increases the likelihood of donor lapse (people that started a job compared to those unemployed had 34% higher odds of lapsing )

  • losing one's job increases the likelihood of donor lapse (blood donors that lost their job had 50% higher odds of lapsing compared to those that didn't)

  • having a family member that received a blood transfusion decreases the likelihood of donor lapse (donors who had a family member that received a blood transfusion had 13% lower odds of lapsing than those who do not)

  • death of a family member decreases the likelihood of donor lapse (donors who had a recent death in the family had 10% lower odds of lapsing than those who do not)

💡TIP: if you are a researcher and need haven't decided what your next research should be about check the "Future directions for research section"

💡TIP: if you are a blood bank representative it might be interesting to contact a researcher to further investigate together how motivation to donate blood changes around these life events and test what would be the best promotional materials for individuals transiting through these periods.

Check the full article HERE

Are you from Denmark?

This study was based on data from the Netherlands, Tjeerd together with other researchers did a subsequent study with data from Denmark, if you are interested you can find it HERE


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