An exhibition to create awareness about plasma donation: "The power of plasma. Pass it on!"
NWO Impact Explorer Grant
ERC Proof-of-Concept grant for Eva-Maria Merz and Alexandra Ciausescu
A goodbye and a new challenge
Blood Donor Incentives across 63 Countries: The BEST Collaborative Study
Research wrapped 2023!
The Powerbank Experience
A night of new insights and cohesion at the West Best Talkshow
A bloody nice evening
Rijksmuseum Boerhaave pop-up exhibition: The power of plasma!
Work and play: Our writing retreat in Limburg
Blood, it runs in the family: How Families Can Shape the Future of Blood Donation
European Conference on Donor Health and Management: our experiences
“I Don’t Like It, But I Learned A Lot” How can serious games prepare the next generation of donors?
Inaugural lecture Eva-Maria Merz
How do childbirth, starting a new job or the death of a family member influence blood donation?
Eva-Maria has been interviewed for the AABB News magazine
Talk by Caroline about social norms, incentives and prosocial behaviour
COVID-19 & blood donation